Actually how to overcome cellulite in the stomach and in the thigh is not easy, but how to remove cellulite naturally is one of the best solutions you can try. Did you know that nearly 90% of adult women have cellulite and cellulite is rarely found in men although cellulite can arise on any good men, women, adult even children though. Certainly the cellulite on the skin it will bother you that wants to look beautiful and sexy.
Actually what is cellulite? Many people think that cellulite is a disease, but it is not a disease. Cellulite is a term for the skin surface that are wavy and uneven due to lumps of fat that fail are discarded by the body. There are many factors cause as hard on a person. Some of them namely due to hormonal factors, body weight, exercise, and more rarely.
How to remove cellulite in the stomach or other body parts are indeed easy-easy is difficult, especially for those of you who have excess appetite due to uncontrolled eating patterns can also trigger the onset of cellulite. Well for those of you who wish to overcome cellulite eliminate cellulite, aka here's some how to remove cellulite that successful Admin auto summary for you.
1. Expand the consuming water white
Quoted from that one of the handling of the cellulite that you can do yourself at home by taking the white water. This is one way of detoxifying or cleansing of the body.
2. reduce the fatty foods
Fat is the main cause of cellulite, for that you should reduce or avoid fatty foods which can add heaps of fat in your body.
3. With onion
Onions is one of the foods that can remove cellulite because onion is a natural diuretic that is able to maintain the concentration of water from skin cells.
4. Exercise regularly
For those of you who want to eliminate cellulite mandatory exercise because this is the way that can lose weight and burn body fat. Do a useful exercise to increase muscle mass such as jogging, cycling, riding down stairs, pilates and yoga. When done on a regular basis then it will decrease fat and muscle mass will increase so as to eliminate cellulite.
5. Do massage on the area of cellulite
Massage on the area of cellulite can increase circulation and eliminates a lot of fat, so you can do it this way every day until cellulite completely lost. You can apply this way at the time of the bath and use foam or scrub product. In addition, you can also use aromatherapy oils to stimulate the circulatory system.
6. try to wear stockings
Not without reason that you should wear stockings. You need to know that wearing stockings can reduce the formation of cellulite because it can suppress fat and improve circulation.
7. start eating a lot of food nutrition
For those who want to eliminate the cellulite in the body wherever should avoid fried foods because they contain a lot of fat. Replace it with foods that contain a lot of nutrients such as nuts or soy beans. Also select foods that contain Glucosamine, B vitamins, and essential fatty acids.
8. With the coffee dregs and seaweed
You can also remove cellulite with coffee dregs and also seaweed. Here's how easy enough, grab a warm coffee dregs then balurkan to the body part that there are cellulite and wrap with seaweed. After that wrap with plastic. Let sit for 30 minutes then rinse.
Of the large number of how to remove cellulite naturally above, sports is a way that play an important role. So don't get skipped the way if want to eliminate cellulite quickly and naturally.
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