Peruse The Code, Do Not Let The Wrong Oil

For those of you users vehicles would have is not familiar with the name of lubricating oil, a.k.a. aimed at helping performance. But have you ever observe the characteristics of the raw materials and also the making of the oli? Can you tell which mineral oil and synthetic oil?

Mineral oil is all lubricants produced by petroleum. While the oil-based lubricant is a synthesis gas that is processed through a process of synthesis, to produce a new molecule which forms can be similar, and the result can achieve stability, thermal oxidation and optimal performance.

Lubricant that we often encounter is dominated by three groups of independent institutions in pengklasifikasiannya. If we look at the label on the packaging, found the classification of SAE (Society of Automotive Enginer), API (American Petroleum Institute), and OEMS (Original Engine Manufactur).

SAE is the classification of oil according to overcome levels of viscosity on temperature of 100 degrees Celsius and below 0 degrees Celsius. While the notion of FIRE is the classification of lubricants based on performance on a very heavy working conditions in the field. Then the OEM is a sign of a classification based on its performance on the ' bench test and a test engine specifically tailored to the requirements of the plant machinery vehicles in certain countries or regions.

To the letters found on the packaging of the oil (petrol engine), also show a lubricant according to the API. The quality of the API version consists of two letters, beginning with the letter's ' which means service. Then followed another letter in the alphabet, i.e. S (specs), SB (rarely used), SC (for vehicles from 1964 to 1967), SD (vehicle in 1968 – 1970), SE (for vehicles from 1972 onwards), and SF (for vehicles from 1980 onwards).

Then there is also a SG (vehicle in 1989 over), SH (1993 vehicles to top), SJ (vehicles 1997 and up), and SL (for vehicle 2001 up).

Specifically for owners of motor-driven 2-stroke or two step (two-stroke), no need to worry about lubrication the motor is a special kind of rare, because in addition to the population still exists, as well as its products remain marketable/produced, such as the Aprilia RS 125 and Kawasaki Ninja 150RR. Quality lubricant for petrol 2-stroke standard of API there are classification based on two letters provided.

For example, the code for the air-cooled engine coded letters TA means for small 50cc motorcycle, TB to motor 50-200cc, and TC to motor 50 to 500cc. Whereas quality based on JASO (Japan Automobile Standards Organization), JASO FA code mean is the ability determination. Then better specs again there on code JASO FB, and JASO FC the best means and smokeless.

Then there is the international standard of quality lubrication again for the 2-stroke air-cooled in addition to JASO, i.e. ISO (International Organization for Standardization). For example the code letters EGB meaning equivalent to JASO FB, EGC comparable with JASO FC, as well as the EGD meets JASO M340-92.

Old lubricants are not reimbursed can cause damage to the machine. Therefore, change the oil regularly, especially if the color of the oil have been blackened, signifying the oli has been burned.

Oil change if it had happened the rest of combustion result raises deposits. And if the deposition has occurred in the form of dust, exhaust and replace quick-hurry. If not replaced immediately, this will result in the content of silicon (mud), thus increasing lubricant viscosity and is difficult to flow.

Finally, follow the instructions of the replacement of the oil according to the instructions of the engine manufacturer as listed in the vehicle service manual.

As an alternative, select additional lubricant lubricant viscosity with temperature at 100 degrees Celsius, the viscosity index and working temperature range. Select the appropriate SAE or recommended for your vehicle, and not less important is the choice of additive content and cost factor.

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