This is the 7 Signs of Unhealthy Heart

The heart is one of the organs of the human body in a very vital. Why the very vital? This is because the heart function, which is a blood-pumping organs memompakan blood throughout our body and this blood as well which brings nutrients and oxygen to be distributed throughout the body. Could not have imagined, when the heart is not functioning anymore or not healthy anymore. Then, is there any signs of heart we're not healthy.

In fact there are some early signs that your heart is already in an unhealthy condition again. This is known from a variety of early symptoms that can be demonstrated by some part of the body. The following 7 signs of unhealthy heart:
  1. Erectile dysfunction is a sign your heart in unhealthy conditions. So, when you experience any erectile dysfunction, this is a sign that your heart is having trouble relating to heart disease.
  2. Early signs of your heart the second unhealthy when you snore while asleep. So when you snore while sleeping at night today, it is the signs of heart you in unhealthy conditions.
  3. The next signs i.e. If you experience pain in the gums, swollen gums or gums that bleed. So were these symptoms is signs that your heart is not in a healthy condition.
  4. The fourth signs i.e. If If the foot, ankle, wrist, or feel your fingers swell. This is signs that your heart is in an unhealthy condition.
  5. Five signs that is your heart rate irregular. So if your heart rate is irregular it is an indication that your heart is in an unhealthy condition.
  6. Early symptoms of heart you in unhealthy conditions next there is pain in the chest and your shoulders. So when you feel the pain in the chest and shoulder at you, this is a strong indication that your heart is in an unhealthy condition.
  7. Early signs heart you in unhealthy conditions, namely if you experience shortness of breath. So the symptoms of shortness of breath is a signal that your heart is in an unhealthy condition.

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