7 Easy Tips To Stay Healthy For The Unemployed

Stay healthy and happy life is two conditions that always want to be realized by everyone in daily live his life. But not a few of us who assume that the rich who have the opportunity of enjoy healthy life and always happy in this world to live a life. If everyone in the world can this be clear minded, then keep it healthy and happy life can actually be easily obtained even though you don't have the money or not working (unemployment). So, are there any tips to stay healthy for the unemployed.

Based on data from the Central Bureau of statistics in February 2013, open unemployment in Indonesia amounted to 7,170,523 inhabitants. A number which is quite fantastic for this beloved country. Still not working (unemployment) has an impact that is not good for the psychological and body health itself. If you're reading this article, then the solution to that is not working i.e. recognize your expertise and capabilities, then developed little by little to be your line of work. The following 7 tips for staying healthy for the unemployed:

  1. Take Some Time To Work Out In The Morning. The best time during the hour and a half past five in the morning. The air is still cool and haven't seen fro vehicle will make the air around it is very healthy for your body. Morning exercise activities such as roads or joggers will improve the health of your body.
  2. Start With Drinking Water In The Morning. Drink water in the morning has a range of amazing benefits to the body. You can read the benefits on one of the articles on this blog. Try to drink four glasses of water in the morning.
  3. To Meet The Needs Of Fruit. Lots of fruits that is priced relatively cheap which can be consumed every day which is instrumental to fullfill the needs of nutrients needed by the body you like tomato, papaya, grapefruit, herbs or other.
  4. Cukupi The Need For Vegetables. The spinach became one of the vegetables that have a variety of nutrients, easily obtained with a relatively cheap price. So, there is no excuse for not serving a vegetable menu in your daily food menu.
  5. Cut Down On Activities That Require A Relatively Long Time To Be Seated. The author himself always make time for fourteen minutes to stroll outside the room after more or less sit for a full hour. Because sitting with the duration of a long time also be bad for the health of your body.
  6. Make It A Habit To Open Doors And Windows Every Morning. The morning was very good to do the clean-up activity with open all the doors and Windows of the House. It is aimed to let cool air and healthy from the outside can enter throughout all parts of your home.
  7. Suffice The Needs Of Your Night's Sleep. If a person including you want to always be healthy and fit every morning, then there is a price you have to pay upfront. Price to be paid in advance, with adequate sleep the night of 7-8 hours every night.

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