Sugar seems to blend with a variety of food consumed everybody every day. You have to agree with this. So much food and drink sweet fro in the mouth and digestive tract. Various effect certainly will not be felt in time immediately. However, if you start to wake up and know about the various effects of danger consume sugar or sugary foods. then it can be ascertained, you will begin to decrease consumption of sugar or sugary foods. Then, what are the terrible facts of sugar for the health of the body.
Eating and drinking of course is the basic human needs in order to remain alive and live out a range of activities and work performed. Problems will start to appear, when the need for food and drink cannot be controlled properly. While we both know, a variety of food and beverages consumed most is sweet or have a relatively high sugar content. In fact, sugar is not very good for the health of the body, if simply applied in the body in high quantities. Following terrible sugar 5 facts for the health of your body:
- Sugar Consumption Is Potentially Big Hit By Heart Disease. This is because, consume sugar or sweet food or drink excess will lower the HDL or good cholesterol levels as well as improving fat levels in the blood which will result in heart disease.
- Cancer Will Begin To Invade Your Body. In fact, the content of sugar or glucose from a variety of food and beverages consumed food is very loved by the cancer cells. So, to control the consumption of sugar or sugary foods should be a priority to connect with the mobile number.
- Sugar consumption is potentially Big hit by type 2 Diabetes. If someone is able to control the glucose levels in the blood through a variety of sweet foods and drinks consumed, it will make the hormone insulin work more lightweight (Hormone insulin is a hormone that controls glucose levels in the blood are always stable). Diabetess type 2 disease so that it will not be easy to invade your body.
- Consumption Of Sugar Will Lower Your Immune System. The inability of a person in control of a variety of sweet foods and drinks will lead to excess weight gain or better known as overweight. The immune system is supposed to keep the body from various diseases from outside will also be forced to fight a variety of health problems caused by obesity in itself.
- Sugar Consumption Can Lower The Ability Of Your Brain. A study conducted in 2012 reveals the fact that consume excessive amounts of sugar can lower memory in the brain of a person's organs.
- Sugar consumption is associated with a decrease in life expectancy means that, starting to get used to reduce sugary food and drinks can increase the life expectancy of a person's age or longer plus spared from a range of dangerous or deadly.
- Sugar Consumption Harm Your Liver Organs. This is because, fructose and glucose content from a variety of food and drink that sweet is toxic to the organs of a person's day. So need real action to begin to control a variety of sweet foods and drinks to save the liver organ.
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